Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keep Mental Health

Mental health is very vital for people’s body health. We are know that through many research, some times our body health will be affect by mental health. So if we are keep Mental Health, body health will be excellent.

If mental health is affect by some feelings, some long incidents related with as a Brain and Harmon will be arises. They are affected our body activities. People’s some feelings as like as Sad, Loss and Foolish are created dangerous mental health. At the same time another feelings as like as Angry is created another dangerous mental health.

So the above types of feelings are created some disease example Stomach problem, Asthma, Headache, Blood Pressure and Heart disease.

We are take challenging life. May be some times our life met defeat. But we are not sad about the defeat. People who are feel the defeat life, they will affect by many disease.

We are enjoy life with our family and friends and praying God. These type of people will not affect any disease always.

A research about Cancer said that, often people who are affected many feelings, they are affected by Cancer.

Love, Laugh, Confidence, Art, Sports, Reading books and Entertainment these are basic of health. If we are follow the above matter, then increase our body health.

So Keep our Mental Health, Increase Body Health!
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